Star Assessments®

♦ Renaissance Learning Systems Star Assessments® have become the de facto standard for summer programs. Its adaptive, computer-based design delivers high accuracy in minimum time. Star® was chosen by PARCA (Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama), who conducts SAIL’s annual assessment.
♦ The SAIL funders obtain a common Star® license; the assessment is provided to SAIL programs at no cost. SAIL staff train the programs on proper use of Star®, transport the students to a testing site if needed, and administer the tests.
- → SAIL programs test students at the beginning of the program (pre-test) to inform instruction and enable individualized learning. Star® is normed; programs know where entering students stand relative to grade level.
- → SAIL programs test students at the end of the program (post-test) to measure academic progress for each student, and to inform our strategies for improvement next year.
♦ SAIL was recently recognized for its innovative use of Star® link